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Research Project

Quiet Vessel Initiative: Technology, design, and operational measures for quieter Canadian waters



In the dark undersea world, sound is essential. For marine life, sounds often play a crucial role in communication, foraging, reproduction, and navigation. However, as human activity in the oceans increases, so does underwater noise. Various industries contribute to ocean noise—offshore energy, construction, military operations, and of course vessel traffic. The noise generated by vessels is referred to as underwater radiated noise. With growing activity from commercial shipping, offshore developments, fishing and recreational vessels, underwater radiated noise pollution is increasing.

This increase has serious consequences for marine life, particularly species that rely on sound to survive, such as marine mammals. Underwater radiated noise can mask natural sounds, which may make it difficult for individuals to communicate, find a mate or prey, or even avoid predators. Some may change their behaviours, such as communicating less or avoiding or abandoning important habitats. Underwater radiated noise may also increase stress and cause other health problems.

Learn more about how underwater noise impacts marine mammals

Underwater radiated noise is gaining attention. On the international stage, the International Maritime Organization updated its non-mandatory guidelines on reducing underwater radiated noise in 2023. In Canada, the federal government is developing an Ocean Noise Strategy to enhance the science, knowledge gathering, innovation, assessment, and guide management of underwater radiated noise while raising awareness of the issue.

Find out more about recent research and development results in Canada

Technology for detecting and analysing underwater vessel noise

Coming up in the series

Quieter design for ships: new-build and retrofit options [coming March 2025]

Quieter operation for ships: large and small vessels [coming April 2025]

Quieter ferries in Canadian waters [coming May 2025]

Projects referenced in the Quiet Vessel Initiative article series include the following, with the final report provided where available:

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Research Team

Clear Seas team member Meghan Mathieson

Meghan Mathieson

Director of Strategy and Engagement, Clear Seas

Samantha Andrews

Science Communicator, Ocean Oculus

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