Topic: Shipping Environmental Impacts

Beyond the Horizon: Towards near-real time automatic detection of whales from space in Canadian waters

2024 Public Opinion Poll: Canadians’ Attitudes Towards Marine Shipping

Research Project
2024 Public Opinion Poll: Canadians’ Attitudes Towards Marine Shipping

Sustainability in the Maritime Industry—More than “Life Below Water”

Mapping Canadian Maritime Industry Initiatives to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Research Project
Mapping Canadian Maritime Industry Initiatives to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Research Launch Webinar: Mapping Canadian Maritime Industry Initiatives to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Uncharted Waters: Mapping Canada’s Path to Prevent Pollution from Shipwrecks
Shipwrecks, once lost, are often forgotten, until oil bubbling up to the ocean’s surface reminds us of their lurking threat.

Why Make Tugs Electric?
Tugs provide an essential service for safe operations in ports and coastal areas. Reducing emissions by going electric contributes to air quality and climate goals.