Author: webmaster

Using AIS Data for Research
June 23, 2022, (Virtual) – The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF) hosted the webinar Using AIS Data for Research.

Climate Change Vulnerability of the Canadian Maritime Environment
June 28, 2022 – Clear Seas hosted the webinar Climate Change Vulnerability of the Canadian Maritime Environment.

Climate Change Vulnerability of the Canadian Maritime Environment

Applying AIS Data to Marine Shipping Risk
May 5, 2022, (Virtual) – The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF) hosted the webinar Applying AIS Data to Marine Shipping Risk.

Using Area-based Management to Reduce Marine Shipping Risks in Canada
On August 30-31, 2022, the Ocean Frontier Institute and Clear Seas hosted a pioneering 2-day workshop exploring shipping risk mitigation research and practice in Canada.

Protected areas in Canadian waters

Ship Waste
Merchant vessels produce different types of waste as part of their operations. Discover the rules governing the management and disposal of these wastes in Canadian and international waters.

In Their Own Words:
Reflections on Clear Seas’ Indigenous Internship Program
Clear Seas launched an internship program in 2021 to build respectful relationships with Indigenous communities by listening to and addressing priorities through research projects led by Indigenous post-secondary students.

Liquefied Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel in the Arctic: Panacea or Poison?
Clear Seas convenes a roundtable to gather perspectives on the use of LNG as fuel for marine shipping in Canada’s north.