Back to the Future: Wind Power and the Decarbonization of Shipping
Marine shipping is undergoing a major transformation as it seeks to decarbonize. How will wind power be part of the solution?
Marine shipping is undergoing a major transformation as it seeks to decarbonize. How will wind power be part of the solution?
Learn more about LNG and marine shipping in Canadian waters. Discover the role of LNG in reducing commercial marine shipping’s contribution to world air pollution and measures to support the safe transport and use of LNG by ships.
Marine shipping contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in Canada. Learn more from Clear Seas.
Test your knowledge! Find out what you know about air pollution and marine shipping.
“Marine shipping is integral to our economic prosperity as well as our well-being.”
– Dr. Jane Lister
“Good policy decisions require good research for evidence-based decision-making.” – Dr. Aldo Chircop