We’ve assembled a toolkit of our materials related to marine shipping in Canada to inform and encourage conversations about the value Canadians gain from safe and sustainable marine shipping.

Why Marine Shipping Matters

Research Project
The Value of Commercial Marine Shipping to Canada
The study examines a scope that extends beyond economic impacts and draws conclusions about how marine shipping contributes much to Canadians’ daily lives – whether or not they live in coastal communities.

Research Project
Commercial Marine Shipping Accidents: Understanding the Risks in Canada
This Clear Seas report summarizes the risks of commercial marine shipping accidents across Canada’s regions and for different cargo types, while highlighting gaps in understanding and areas for further research.

Canada’s Top Marine Exports and Imports
Canada is fortunate to have a vast wealth of natural resources which contribute significantly to the nation’s economy. It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the majority of Canada’s marine exports and imports, by volume, are natural resource-based bulk commodities.

How is the Marine Shipping Industry Regulated?
Commercial marine shipping is inherently an international activity. As such, the industry requires regulation at the international level. International maritime regulations, also known as conventions, are developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

15 Questions About Commercial Marine Shipping
Test your Canadian maritime knowledge!

2022 Public Opinion Poll: Canadians’ Attitudes Towards Marine Shipping

2024 Public Opinion Poll: Canadians’ Attitudes Towards Marine Shipping

Marine shipping in the Great Lakes: What you need to know
Discover the Great Lakes waterway: Its geography, main shipping routes, cargo ports, and unique climate-related challenges.

Navigating the St. Lawrence: Challenging Waters, Rich History and Bright Future
The St. Lawrence marine corridor plays a key role in Canada’s economy and supply chain. The geography as well as the unique physical attributes and water dynamics of the St. Lawrence challenge the commercial ships transiting through this maritime route in more than one way.

Demystifying Maritime Governance
Clear Seas hosted the webinar Demystifying Maritime Governance.

Investigating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a Marine Fuel for Canada’s Arctic

Liquefied Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel in the Arctic: Panacea or Poison?
Clear Seas convenes a roundtable to gather perspectives on the use of LNG as fuel for marine shipping in Canada’s north.

Learn more about LNG and marine shipping in Canadian waters. Discover the role of LNG in reducing commercial marine shipping’s contribution to world air pollution and measures to support the safe transport and use of LNG by ships.

Maritime Commercial Incidents and Accidents

Interactive Tool
Maritime Commercial Incidents & Accidents Dashboard

Research Project
Vessel Traffic in Canada’s Pacific Region
Clear Seas contracted Nuka Research to analyse vessel traffic and oil movements in Canada’s Pacific region. This study is the fifth body of work associated with Clear Seas’ Marine Transportation Corridor initiative in Canada’s Pacific Region.

Research Project
Vessel Traffic Forecast to 2040 for Canada’s Pacific Region
Ships are increasing in size and number to carry trade through Canada’s Pacific region. This study assesses future ship traffic patterns up to 2040.

A Day In The Life On A Coast Guard Research Vessel
Come aboard a Canadian Coast Guard research vessel for a day in the life at sea, collecting data to reduce underwater noise and protect marine mammals.

Think globally, ship locally: Short-sea shipping moves goods efficiently and reduces emissions
Using coastal and inland waterways to move cargo over short distances can cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and could also ease congestion on roads and railways.

Anchors Away: Understanding the Issues About Ships at Anchor
As Canada’s international trade and the global demand for its products continues to grow, the need for anchorages, which allow ships to wait outside a harbour to unload or pick-up their cargos, has increased. This has an impact on coastal areas, the environment and on the traditional activities of Indigenous communities.

Icebreakers in Canadian Waters
Climate change leads to more sea ice and higher risks for commercial marine shipping