Author: webmaster

Black Carbon in the Arctic: What You Need to Know
How does air pollution from marine shipping accelerate climate change in the Arctic and what can be done about it?

Maritime Commercial Incidents and Accidents

Maritime Commercial Incidents and Accidents in Canadian Waters
On July 13, 2021, Clear Seas’ launched the Maritime Commercial Incidents and Accidents dashboard highlighting ten years of data on marine incidents and accidents that occurred in and around Canadian waters.

How will the TMX Pipeline Affect Marine Shipping in the Salish Sea?
The transport of oil by ships is no stranger to controversy. But the tempo of that debate is sure to increase as the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) project heads for completion at the end of 2022, with all three berths operating at full capacity later in 2023, placing any potential risks to coastal ecosystems from increased tanker traffic firmly in the public spotlight.

Recognition comes at a painful time in the history of Indigenous People and shines a light on the need for reconciliation
Reflecting on the history, heritage, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and why it’s important for their voices to be heard.

Managing Shipping Risk in Marine Protected Areas
June 24, 2021 (Virtual) – The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF) hosted the webinar Managing Shipping Risk in Marine Protected Areas.

Lessons Learned from Community-Engaged Research and Capacity Enhancement: North-South Collaborations to Support Low-Impact Arctic Shipping Corridors Decision-Making
May 7, 2021 (Virtual) – The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF) and the Coast and Ocean Risk Communication Community of Practice hosted the webinar Lessons Learned from Community-Engaged Research and Capacity Enhancement: North-South Collaborations to Support Low-Impact Arctic Shipping Corridors Decision-Making.

Vessel Traffic in Canada’s Pacific Region

Vessel Traffic In Canada’s Pacific Region – Trends, Patterns And Density
Clear Seas’ fifth body of work under the Marine Transportation Corridors initiative was released on March 2nd. The analysis sheds light on vessel traffic in Canada’s Pacific region.