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Creating an Inventory of Marine Shipping Risk Resources

December 3, 2020 (Virtual) – The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum hosted the workshop Creating an Inventory of Marine Shipping Risk Resources, aimed at developing an inventory of initiatives and information resources associated with marine shipping risk.

Presented By:

The workshop Creating an Inventory of Marine Shipping Risk Resources, hosted by the Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF), successfully welcomed over 90 registrants and four presenters from across Canada, who collaborated to advance information and resources related to marine shipping risk. 

This workshop is part of a larger series of events and activities the CMSRF is undertaking to help identify and address gaps in shipping risk knowledge and risk communication by:

  • Looking at Canadian initiatives and information resources relating to shipping risk,
  • Outlining a common risk framework for marine shipping, and
  • Mapping initiatives and resources to a risk framework. 

Workshop Overview & Objectives

The goal of this workshop was to create an inventory of shipping risk resources and initiatives. Bringing together representatives of government agencies, Indigenous groups, researchers, and other relevant organizations from across Canada whose work focuses on maritime shipping, the workshop offered participants the opportunity to hear from leading experts as well as work collaboratively in small break-out groups to contribute to the inventory. 

Workshop Summary Report

Creating an Inventory of Marine Shipping Risk Resources – Workshop Summary Report

Webinar Agenda & Speaker Profiles

This two-hour long event encouraged full participation by delegates and took place in two phases. The workshop’s hosts first outlined the goals of the session and highlight shipping risk initiatives undertaken by academic researchers (MEOPAR), Transport Canada and Clear Seas. Participants were then invited to join small breakout group discussions focused on identifying shipping risk initiatives in Canada, information resources, risk frameworks and common risk-related terminology. The event’s agenda and speaker profiles can be viewed here:

Agenda and Speaker Profiles

Workshop Recording & Presentations

Welcome and Introductions – Jennifer Steele, Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping

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Origins of the CMSRF and Clear Seas’ Research in Maritime Risk – Paul Blomerus, Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping

Watch the Video  |  Download the Presentation

Oceans Protection Plan Update – Michael Wallace, Transport Canada

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Examples of Shipping Risk Research in Canadian Universities – Ronald Pelot, MEOPAR and Dalhousie University

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Maritime Risk Management Frameworks and Toolboxes – Floris Goelandt, Dalhousie University

Watch the Video  Download the Presentation

Q&A – Jennifer Steele, Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping

Watch the Video

About the Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum

The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum is a Community of Practice addressing topics relating to the exploration of risks of, and to, shipping, generally within the Canadian region. It aims to provide an ongoing forum for communicating about and identifying potential collaborations on the state of the art for shipping modelling and risk in Canada. Learn more about this community of practice, here.

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