Topic: Shipping Regulations

Getting to Zero by 2050 – Technical Regulatory Details Matter in Accelerating Decarbonization of Marine Fuels
Action at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to regulate emissions from fuel production, and to consider all types of greenhouse gases (GHGs) — not just CO2 — is moving slowly and not receiving much attention. But these regulatory details are probably more important than the headline-grabbing move to target net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. Here’s why.

Permitting Cruise Ship Access to Glacier Bay National Park
On May 23, 2023, the Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum (CMSRF) hosted Scott M. Gende, PhD, Senior Science Advisor from the National Park Service. He presented the approach taken to protect the environment in the pristine Glacier Bay National Park using a range of tools and incentives, while still encouraging cruise ship passengers to access and enjoy the area.

Forward Summit 2023

Marine Liability and Compensation: Who Pays for an Oil Spill in Canada and Beyond?
The Canadian Marine Shipping Risk Forum hosted a webinar on Marine Liability and Compensation: Who Pays for an Oil Spill in Canada and Beyond? to share work, ideas, concerns, questions and issues about the work of the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund.

Disaster Avoided: Oil Removed From 1960s Shipwreck but Threat from Other Historical Wrecks Persists
More than half a century after the cargo ship MV Schiedyk sank on Canada’s west coast, 21st century technology and teamwork with First Nations helped to remove an oily hazard from the environment.

IMPAC5: Spotlight on Conservation and Marine Protected Areas
Canada is hosting the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5). Here’s why this event is important.

Marine shipping in the Great Lakes: What you need to know
Discover the Great Lakes waterway: Its geography, main shipping routes, cargo ports, and unique climate-related challenges.

Demystifying Maritime Governance
Clear Seas hosted the webinar Demystifying Maritime Governance.