15 Questions About Commercial Marine Shipping
Test your Canadian maritime knowledge!
Test your Canadian maritime knowledge!
The study examines a scope that extends beyond economic impacts and draws conclusions about how marine shipping contributes much to Canadians’ daily lives – whether or not they live in coastal communities.
This research has examined spill response policies and practices in seven ports in five countries, which has provided a range of national policies and port conditions and practices against which to consider Canadian policies and practices.
Canada’s top regions for international shipping of various cargo types are the Pacific, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River and the Atlantic.
Learning about the marine shipping industry and Canadians’ views and perception of safety. Results of a poll in March 2016.
Learning about the marine shipping industry and Canadians’ views and perception of safety from a poll in March 2016. A majority of Canadians believe that shipping makes a large contribution to the Canadian economy.
A narrow majority of Canadians oppose expanded oil tanker traffic in the Bay of Fundy and along BC south coast. A series of marine shipping in Canada’s oceans and waterways
Canadians see themselves as a sea-faring nation and have positive views about shipping and its contribution to the country. Canada’s coastal regions feel this most strongly.