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Research Project

2024 Public Opinion Poll: Canadians’ Attitudes Towards Marine Shipping

Project Summary

Clear Seas, in partnership with the Angus Reid Institute, conducted its fifth biennial study in its public opinion series measuring the perceptions of Canadians towards the marine shipping industry. This latest edition of the nationwide poll builds on the benchmark studies conducted in 201620182020 and 2022.

The 2024 edition of the poll takes into account the discussion on decarbonization of the industry and the efforts to be made accordingly. The Shipping Confidence Index was measured for a third time to highlight the evolution of different attitudes to shipping over the last few years.

In this Report, You Will Learn About

  • What Canadians think about marine shipping activities in Canada
  • How decarbonization issues affect Canadians
  • Canadians’ top concerns when it comes to marine shipping
  • How confident Canadians are in marine shipping, its safety, and the way it is regulated

Key Takeaways

Support for green hydrogen

Canadians support the use of hydrogen to decarbonize industry, but want it to be produced and used in Canada.

Importance of marine transportation

Shipping is seen as essential to the Canadian economy, but Canadians want the industry to be more environmentally friendly.

Environmental concerns

Canadians are willing to pay more for products with a lower environmental impact, and want companies to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

Supply chain resilience

Canadians are concerned about the resilience of global supply chains, and would like to see measures taken to strengthen them.

The poll underlines the importance of balancing economic and environmental needs, and of developing sustainable shipping solutions.

Research Team

This nation-wide public opinion poll was conducted by a research team at the Angus Reid Institute (ARI), in partnership with Clear Seas, and paid for jointly by ARI and Clear Seas.

The Angus Reid Institute is a national, not-for-profit, non-partisan public opinion research foundation. It was founded in 2014 to help advance education by commissioning, conducting, and disseminating accessible and impartial statistical data, research and policy analysis on economics, political science, philanthropy, public administration, domestic and international affairs, and other socio-economic issues of importance to Canada.
