10 Questions About Invasive Species & Marine Shipping
Test your knowledge! Find out what you know about invasive species and marine shipping.
Test your knowledge! Find out what you know about invasive species and marine shipping.
“Marine shipping is integral to our economic prosperity as well as our well-being.”
– Dr. Jane Lister
Not all oils behave the same way when spilled into the marine environment.
“Good policy decisions require good research for evidence-based decision-making.” – Dr. Aldo Chircop
Many chemicals transported by sea are considered hazardous and noxious substances that can have significant impacts when spilled into the marine environment.
“Governing shipping in the Arctic is extremely complex and it requires collaboration and respect.”
– Dr. Jackie Dawson
When a vessel is damaged, disabled or otherwise in distress at sea, finding a place of refuge – a place where it can be taken to prevent further damage to the vessel or pollution to the environment – can be critical.
Marine pilotage plays a vital role in marine safety and accident prevention.
There are four response organizations located in Canada.
The Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) is the largest investment ever made to protect Canada’s coasts and waterways.