Indigenous Marine Career Advancement Program – Participants

The Indigenous Marine Career Advancement Program (IMCAP) serves as a vital bridge, connecting Indigenous peoples to the ocean economy while addressing the skills and labor shortages in the marine industry.

Personal information

Educational background

Program interest

Image and Likeness Release

I hereby grant permission to Clear Seas to use my image and likeness in photographs or videos taken in the context of the Indigenous Marine Career Advancement Program. I understand that these images and videos may be used for educational and illustrative purposes on the Clear Seas website, social media channels, and in other promotional materials, at Clear Seas’ discretion. All uses are on a not-for-profit basis. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product. I understand there will be no financial or other consideration provided for the use of my image and likeness. I release Clear Seas from any liability arising from the use of my image and likeness.


By submitting this application, I confirm that all information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that participation in the Indigenous Marine Career Advancement Program (IMCAP) is subject to eligibility criteria and program requirements.